Our History
Nueva Rosita Coahuila, cradle of strong men determined to defy death, facing the earth, digging to take the wealth out of their bowels, men who give their lives in the center of the earth to sustain entire nations.

Miner, Región Carbonífera.
Nueva Rosita
The city of Nueva Rosita is the municipal capital of San Juan de Sabinas, originally founded as a mineral in 1923. During the mining boom in the first half of the 20th century, it attracted many migrants from different countries, whose cultural heritage is still appreciated in the design of the streets, the religious diversity and even, in the taste for baseball.

By the year 1900, the British discovered large deposits of coal in the territory of the municipality of San Juan de Sabinas, and in 1902 began the work of coal mining with the Mine Tire 1, also giving rise to the founding of the La Rosita mining camp, which at that time had approximately 200 workers.
It was named after the camp, because near that place there were ciénegas where wild plants with flowers rose.

The Chimney of New Rosita has become an industrial symbol for our Carboniferous Region. Its construction dates from the second decade of the twentieth century and represents the economic boom that unleashed the industrialization of coal in that boom period of the first half of the last century in northern Coahuila.
This imposing structure rises to approximately 150 meters, and in its time was the highest in Latin America. Its construction ended on August 14, 1929.